Thursday 22 February 2018


Astanga  Yoga :Yoga advocates control over the body the senses and the mind.It does not want to kill the body;on the other hand,it recommends its perfection.A sound mind needs a sound body.Sensual  conquered.To overcome them,yoga gives us the eightfold path of discipline(ashtanga yoga)

1.Yama: It means abstention and includes the five vows of Jainism.It is abstention from injury through thought,word or deed (ahimsa),from falsehood (satya),from stealing(asteya),from passion and lust(brahmacharya) and from avarice (aparigraha).

2.Niyama : It is self-culture and includes external and internal purification (shaucha),contentment (santosha),austerity (tapas),study (svadhyaya) and devotion to God (Ishvara pranidhana).

3.Asana : It means steady and comfortable posture.There are various kinds of postures which are a physical help to meditation.This is the discipline of the body.

4.Pranayama : It means control of breath and deals with regulation of inhalation,retention and exhalation of breath.It is beneficial to health and is highly conducive to the concentration of the mind.But it must be performed under expert guidance otherwise it may have bad after-effects.

5.Pratyahara : It is control of the senses and consists in withdrawing the senses from their objects .Our senses have a natural tendency to go to outward objects.They must be checked and directed towards the internal goal.It is the process of introversion.
These five are called external aids to yoga,while the remaining three which follow are called internal aids.

6.Dharana : It is fixing the mind on the object of meditation like the tip
 of the nose or the mid-point of the eyebrows or the lotus of the heart or the image of the deity.The mind must be steadfast like the unflickering flame of a lamp.

7.Dhyana: It means meditation and consists in the undisturbed flow of thought round the object of meditation.It is the steadfast contemplation without any break.

8.Samadhi : It means concentration.This is the final step in yoga.Here the mind is completely absorbed in the object of meditation.In dhyana,the act of meditation and the object of meditation remain separate.But here they become one.It is the highest means to realize the cessation of mental modification which is the end.It is the ecstatic state in which the connection with the external world is broken and through which one has to pass before obtaining libertation.
Samadhi is of two kinds conscious or samprajnata and supra-conscious or asamprajnata.In the former,consciousness of the object of meditation persists,in the latter it is transcended.The former is Ekagra,the latter is Niruddha.In the former the mind remains concentrated on the object of meditation.The meditator and the object of meditation are fused together,yet the consciousness of the object of meditation persists.This state is said to be of four kinds:

1.Savitarka : When the chitta is concentrated on a gross object of meditation like the tip of the nose or the mid point of the eye-brows or the image of the deity.

2.Savichara : When the chitta is concentrated on a subtler object of meditation like the tanmatras.

3.Sanada : When the chitta is concentrated on a still subtler object of meditation which produces joy,like the senses.

4.Sasmita : When the chitta is concentrated on the ego-substance with which the self is generally identified.Here we have conscious ecstacy where individuality persists.
Asamprajnata Samadhi is that supra-conscious concentration where the meditator and the object of meditation are completely fused together and there is not even consciousness of the object of meditation.Here no new mental modifications arise.They are checked,though the latent impressions may continue.If fire is restricted to a particular fuel,it burns that fuel alone;but when that fuel has been completely burnt,the fire also dies down.Similarly,in conscious concentration the mind is fixed on the object of meditation alone and modification arises only in respect of this object of meditation;but in supra-conscious concentration,even this modification ceases.It is the highest form of yoga which is divine madness,perfect mystic ecstacy difficult to describe and more difficult to attain.Even those who attain it cannot retain it longer.Immediately or after very short time,the body breaks and they obtain complete liberation.
Yoga generatesertain supra-normal powers.But they should be avoided and attention should be fixed only on liberation which is the end of human life.The ideal of kaivalya,the absolute independence and eternal and free life of the Purusha,free fro

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